Monday, October 24, 2011

Art first....what do you think?

The art always comes first.  When you compromise the art everything else is sacrificed.  Personally I make art for me, myself and I and think about others as an afterthought.  If no one buys my work I want to be able to place my piece on the wall and have a sense of pride.  Everyone operates differently so tell me as an artist what comes first for you and why?


  1. The paper!...No, but seriously, the art must come first. I think it is about having an extremely high standard of quality for your product. Staying true to the art and possessing a strong sense of integrity will increase the value of the work and the "sheep" will eventually jump on board and follow...and so then will THE PAPER! I'm proud of you. It's nice to see people your age (the elderly) unveiling talents fueled by passion. (CLCW)

  2. Thanks for the comment. I am about the paper as well especially when bills are due.

  3. Art has to come first. Odd enough some of my better works were made when I was broke and jobless. I get an immense amount of satisfaction after I finish working on a project. Those feelings are uplifting and give me drive for future works. Eventually people will come and the money will follow after some sort of collection is built.

  4. thanks mikhail this is what I needed to hear today. I agree with you totally.
