I love the fact people don't take artists seriously. When you go to tell people you are an artist they look puzzled and then typically ask what else do you do? There is some type of implied suggestion within their assuming face that no one can live off of an artist salary, as if there is a starting salary. I am a homeless person aspiring to eat one day otherwise known as a starving artist would be a better introduction during small talk. Not only am I an artist but soon becoming a comedian. I can see it now my next piece will not be a piece at all instead I will create performance art centered around the conversations of an artist.
person 1: so what do you do?
me the so called artist: I'm an artist (confident or at least the fake it to you make it confidence)
person 2: oooh.....okay
person 1: so what else do you do?
me the so called artist: pause....wtf!...not again (all of this is said in my head of course)
me the so called artist: still on pause....well I am a visual artist
person 2: so you sale artwork?...(puzzled look).....really?
person 1:oooh well good look with that
me the so called artist: mom....why do I have to repeat myself over and over again
me the so called artist: (puzzled look)
person 2: silence...
Have you tried saying that your an arrrr-tissst (with emphasis). A performance piece on the topic would be nice. My mind went to Tino Sehgal and Andrea Fraser, their conversations were somewhat directed toward the art institution though...I haven't read anything discussing a performance piece about the artists conversation. Seems very direct yet conceptual. If you decide to do it, post the info. That's an interesting idea.
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