Monday, March 5, 2012

Failure is inevitable

A recent trip to Austin, TX has recharged my artistic battery. The atmosphere in the city is contagious. Austin is a city that supports artisans from all walks of life. I read an article in a local magazine discussing the topic of failure, the author Alicia Marie Fruin who happens to be a business coach states, “accomplished people seem to understand a simple truth: they are not their failures, and they are not their behaviors”. When we paint our failures/mistakes often become happy accidents, but for some strange reason artists don’t typically have the same attitude about the business of art, myself included. Behavior can be changed right along with work ethic and habits when creating our art work, the process towards success defines us and the failures associated with our success build character. The difference maker is found in conflict resolution between who we are and who we want to be. Before we hold onto success first we must embrace failure.

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