Monday, March 26, 2012

Intro to Philosophy

What is your specific philosophy and process regarding your art work? I know how to describe my art work in terms of style but found difficulty in explaining the philosophy behind what I create. Now I realize having a concrete idea to explain why I paint as well as how I paint determines my approach and ultimately becomes the meat of my work. I believe once you establish a well organized philosophy and develop a routine process, your art undergoes a transformation and instills within you the ability to produce quality work. Art is a product that demands authenticity, quality, and your best effort. When efficiency is paired with effectiveness the outcome is a thriving business or in my case a sold painting. Do you have a philosophy that describes your work? Is your creative process constant and how does it affect your art when you change the process?

"You got to have style, and learn to be original"--KRS 1 "My Philosophy"

"The best works are often those with the fewest and simplest elements-pictures that are almost obvious, until you look at them a little more and things begin to happen"--Clyfford Still

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